I found this wrecked old mannequin at an auction house with a revamp in mind. I had to call on a friend who's a bit of a master wood turner to construct a bird head like our Gather logo. He sent me these pics of the process, I think to make me aware of how much work was actually involved. Thanks Rog - you're a star!! Then my multi-talented husband, who's a super star!, fitted the head, cleaned her up, resprayed it, and now she's finished and holding a space nicely in the shop. Wearing the Triangle Construction Knit jumper for Cleckheaton and merino scarf knitted up in all the MillaMia colours. The comments I've received so far; the Surrealists Exquisite Corpse, Anthropomorphic Creature, but nobody seems to be freaked out by it, well of course not - she's gorgeous!.